
14 November 2017

Related TFS(Team Foundation Server) Articles

TFS Articles:

Now a days I went through TFS. TFS is related to development work and source code management, what makes developer’s life easier.And also helps for support Quality Assurance guidance and validations, testing and all the rest of Application.A developer can view different versions of modifications done by others and more secure other developer code. 

Below links are related to TFS:


Send email notification when there is an update/change to the invoice account on sales order

To am going explore How to setup the email notification for changing any fields:

1) Configure the Email  with below path

 >USMF/System administration/Common/Users/Users
>Option>General> Give Email id(which is in server domain)
>Notification>set the pop up notification (tick)
>Notification > set the email notification (tick)

2)USMF/System administration/Periodic > Alerts>Change Based Alerts

 >Run the batch job for alerts, before that keep the recurrence for running the batch job.
>Set the batch group as Alerts.

3)Goto the batch job  and check the batch job status for below path

>USMF/System administration/Inquiries>batch job

4) Create the alert rule for particular field which you want to change the field

     ex: Invoice account

> Invoice account>RC(right click)>create alert rule
> set the rule for change type
>Check the notification pop box
> check the Email

5) After 4 steps,when changing invoice account , popup notifications and email notification will get with configured Email Id.