
29 December 2015

Form templates in AX2012

    The Form templates is series of design patterns for Microsoft Dynamics AX , it displaying the different types of data for user.

    They are 8 different predefined Form templates in AX 2012.

  1)  List page
  2)  Details Form Master
  3)  Details Form Transactions
  4)  SimpleListDetails
  5)  Simple List
  6)  TableOfContents
  7)  Dialogue
  8)  DropDialog

 The following table shows , the available form templates and where we should be used.

 Example of templates :

The following path gives example of each form template

    To create a form using template, right click the form node in AOT, Select new form from template and then select the template.


21 December 2015

Different databases for AX2012 in Sql Server

Different databases for AX2012 in Sql Server

Databases include the MicrosoftDynamics AX DataBase , Model and  Baseline DataBase

  1. The Application Object Server(AOS) connects to Microsoft Dynamics AX to run the process of Transactions.
  2. AOS connects  to the  model store to display the Application elements such as Tables,forms and reports.
  3. Baseline database contains the  model store,i.e  used to upgrade the X++ code to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

                 The baeline database is used to analaze the application updates before they are applied .

          Microsoft Dynamics AX have other components such as Managment Reporter and Enterprise portal also have the databases. That databases is communicate with  these databases (AX Database, Model and Baseline database).          

20 December 2015

Method Calling Sequences of Tables in AX2012

When  you Press Ctrl+N


When you change the data in Field

ValidateField() --> ValidateFieldValue --> ModifiedField() --> ModifiedFieldValue()

When you close the table after entering the data

ValidateWrite() --> Insert() --> aosValidateInsert()

When you open table which will contain data

If table contain 5 records , this method will call 5 times --> aosValidateRead()

When you save the record for 1st time

ValidateWrite() --> Insert() --> aosValidateInsert()

When you modify the record and saving

ValidateWrite() --> Update() --> aosValidateUpdate() 

When you delete the record

ValidateDelete() --> Delete --> aosValidateDelete()